
Are you ready to bloom? I can help!

One-on-One Coaching Programs

6-month Intensive

This individualized coaching program includes:

– A customized schedule of 60-minute one-on-one coaching sessions via Zoom where we’ll discuss your wins and challenges, review authentic living practices, and implement tools and techniques to keep you continuously moving toward your long-term vision

– Unlimited text support and 15-minute call check-ins between sessions, so you feel supported and we can address any questions or concerns that pop up

– Take-home exercises and assignments to dive deeper into who you are and what you want, so that you can learn to live and act from a place of authenticity

– Flexible option for a 10-session package based on your specific needs and situation

Essence Conversation

This targeted 2-hour coaching session is divided into two parts and will help you get to the heart of who you are and what drives you, so that you can overcome fear and reach for the life of your dreams.

– Part 1: For 60 to 90 minutes, you’ll be introduced to the “model of life,” where we’ll uncover how and why you’ve been operating from survival mode. You’ll then receive an exercise to help you strip that away so you can see the essence of who you are and how living from your essence can transform your life.

– Part 2: For 30 minutes, we’ll discuss the result of your take-home exercise and you’ll receive coaching on how to get out of your own way and take action from a place of power, along with a guided meditation.


Accelerated One-to-One Coaching Call

*Special price for first-timers to experience the power of coaching



This 60-minute session is for clients who want a full coaching experience to address one particular area in life and receive targeted coaching to promote a breakthrough as well as action steps to continue making progress on their own.


Group Coaching Program

VIP Group Coaching

This tailored coaching program is designed for:

Two to four people or friends with similar goals who want the benefit of high-level coaching plus the accountability of a group container

Four to six months of group coaching calls on a schedule tailored to your group’s needs and desired outcomes

Take-home exercises and worksheets, so that you can make continuous progress toward your goals

Ready for a transformation?

Not Sure Where to Start?

I’d love to share my experience to help you transform your life and achieve your potential.

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