Helping Columbia U Students Find Their Authentic Expression

Written by Pan

My husband, Aditya, and I were recently given the great honor of being invited back to Columbia University. 

The University asked us to create and present a full day workshop for incoming Actuarial Science program students. 

We really love presenting to all students. This group was extra special to us because there were many international students with a strong interest and aptitude for technology. What is often challenging for international students, however, is that while they are very smart, they have difficulty expressing themselves with confidence. Our goal was to help them overcome their fears and increase their self-confidence. We did this by communicating our own experiences as international students and by letting them find their authentic selves. 

After the workshop, students expressed that they found strengths that they previously had taken for granted. We’re proud to say that we helped them find their unique qualities and values. As a result, many of the students said that their confidence was increased after participating in our workshop. 

Giving a workshop at Columbia was a highly rewarding experience for both of us. It’s a gift to be able to assist new students who may feel isolated or unable to fully express themselves. We gave them pointers and tips that will help them better collaborate with a variety of people now, while they are still students, and in the future, as they build their careers. 

We greatly look forward to participating in this type of event again. It is an incredibly empowering experience to lift others up and help them find and use their strengths!

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